Check out my videos of my first moments crawling and a few days later when I was starting to master my skills!
I have also learned a few other tricks in the last week- I have learned how to clap my hands
We had such a fun day. Daddy and I went shopping for Mommy and picked out a yummy ice cream maker for her. I am so excited for her to make us some homemade ice cream! After church we took some pictures outside with Mommy's pretty hot pink flowers that were just flowering. Then we all went to the Hershey Garden's and looked at the pretty flowers there. It was such a fun day!
A week or two before Mother's Day our neighbor Miss Christine came over and took some pictures of us for Mother's Day presents for Grami and Grandma and my Great-Grandmas. Here are some of my favorites but you can view them all at this website. Love you!
We had a great time at the shower and Auntie Kristie looked so good! It was so much fun to meeting so many of Mommy and Grami's friends and seeing all of the fun new things that Caroline will get to play with!
My Great-Great Grandma Tillie as even able to attend the shower- she is 100 years old! Here is a picture of her with all of her Great-Grandkids and me!
I had so much fun playing in Colorado! Take a look at this video of me giggling with Grami Tami.
My Uncle Andy was home from his police academy, where he graduated as the "Top Cop" in his class. We are so proud of him!
Grami and Pop Pop have a wonderful park and simming pool at the house so I got to play at the park while I was there. I had the whole place to myself! It was great-
I attended a barbeque with all of Mommy's friends in Denver while we were there. Mommy's friend Megan is expecting a little one too in July. We can't wait to find out if it will be a boy or a girl. Congratualtions Megan and Adam!
The last night we were in CO, I got to have dinner with my Great-Grandma and Grandpa Green. I had such a great time. Grandma Lou read to me and I even fell asleep in Grandma Green's arms.
It was a wonderful trip and I can't wait to go back. Love you all!